🎬 Dinesh

🎬 Dinesh

A short film about a man from India who overcomes tremendous difficulties

A short film about a man from India who overcomes tremendous difficulties

People in the office
People in the office

"Dinesh" is a thrilling and emotionally charged film about the life of a man who overcomes adversity and achieves his American Dream. Born in India, Dinesh is a gifted individual with a passion for technology. Despite facing numerous obstacles and setbacks, he is determined to achieve his goal of studying at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

However, life in America is not what Dinesh expects. He quickly learns that success is not easy to come by and that cheaters and deceitful people are everywhere, even in his own school. Despite this, he presses on and continues to pursue his dreams. But then, a terrible car accident sends him down a path of rehabilitation and struggle.

Determined not to be defeated, Dinesh tries his hand at starting a tech startup. But despite his best efforts, he fails and loses a large sum of money. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, he meets the love of his life and finally finds happiness and stability. With her by his side, he continues to strive for success and fulfill his American Dream.

"Dinesh" is a heart-warming and inspiring story about a man who never gives up, no matter how difficult the odds may seem. This film will leave you on the edge of your seat and cheering for Dinesh as he battles through his trials and tribulations on his way to a brighter future.



Early screenshots from the film

Early screenshots from the film



Overview storyboard of the film

Overview storyboard of the film

People in the office
People in the office

Storyboard view. We picked the best images from MidJourney and dropped into Apple Keynote. It has a great “storyboard” view. Recommended to use.

Dinesh Script

Dinesh Script

V.01 of the script for the film

V.01 of the script for the film

Here is our v.01 script for the film. It is an early pass at putting together a script for the entire film.

Download Dinesh v.01 PDF

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